How Easy Are Uiuc Gen Eds is Calc 3 Easy at Uiud

Next up on the list of easy classes at a university is a trip to the state of Illinois. Illinois is a fun state because it's divided up into the city of Chicago and then everywhere else. The University of Illinois is located in the twin cities of Urbana and Champaign. Here is a list of 10 easy classes to take if you ever want to boost up your GPA!

1. STAT 100 - Statistics

This is the introductory course to statistics and probabilty at the precalculus level. Emphasis is given to descriptive statistics, elementary probability, estimation, and hypothesis testing. The only prereq is that you have to pass precalculus. If you take this class with a particular professor called Fireman, you will have a blast since all the exams are from the textbook with changed numbers. Plus the textbook is only $18 since she wrote it herself!Image result for statistics

2. ATMS 100 - Introduction to Meteorology

Or basically, how to become a weatherman (or woman). This class is an introduction to the basic core concepts and principle of the science of meteorology. You get to interpret weather maps and charts. By the end of the class, you will be able to interpret and make basic weather forecasts as well as be able to explain basic atmospheric phenomena. The class is so easy, one Reddit user claims a trained monkey would be able to get an A in the class.Image result for meteorology

3. ATMS 120 - Severe and Hazardous Weather

What should you do if a tornado is coming your way? How do you prepare for a hurricane? If you want to know how to prepare for these natural disasters (knowledge that could one day save your life) and also want an easy A, then take this class! You've already figured out how to predict the weather. This class will teach you what to do with that prediction. One Reddit user claimed he fell asleep during lecture due to pulling several all0nighters in a row and completely skipped the last month of lecture. He still managed to walk away with an A+.Image result for severe storms

4. HORT 100 - Vegetable Gardening

Want to learn how to make your own vegetable garden? Want to know what to put in it? This class will teach you that and much more! It's all about the science and art of growing vegetables and the connection between gardening and food. Topics include nutrient and pest management, history, folklore, growing requirements, and quality characteristics of vegetables. Anyone hungry yet?Image result for victory gardens

5. LAST 170 - Introduction to Latin America

What is Latin culture? What are the countries that are in what we call Latin America? If you're from a Latin American country or just want to learn more about this part of the world, take this class! You'll learn some interesting facts about Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, etc all while pretty much sleeping through the class.  The final grade is out of 1300 points but you only need a 1000 to get an A+.Image result for Latin America

6. ANTH 180 - The Archaeology of Death

Well, this is a morbid topic. Who wants to talk about death, much less the celebration of it? Well, how about if the class is an easy A? The class explores the celebration of death across time and space. The texts explores the anthropological and archaeological literature on death, particularly in terms of death ritual and burial practices. You can apparently get 100% on the final even if you take the test drunk.Image result for Death

7. PHYS 280 - Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control

Why is there a physics class on nuclear weapons? Shouldn't that be a government and politics class? It might explain why the curve is so high in the class. A 65% is an A believe it or not! Apparently you will learn in a nontechnical way (supposedly so you can't go out and build your own), the physics of nuclear weapons, effects, defenses against nuclear weapons and how to keep yourself safe. This is in addition to the politics surrounding these weapons. Honestly, this class would be better off as a politics class...Image result for nuclear weapons

8. ANSC 240 - Companion Animals in Society

If you ever wanted a class where you could just scream, "Cute doggo!", then this might be the class for you! You pretty much get a grade for playing with cats and dogs. Topics include the evolution of animal protection, the use of assistance and service animals, and the growth and impact of the pet supply industry. But forget all about the technical stuff and just be glad a class exists where you get to play with man's favorite animals!Image result for cute dog

9. ANTH 143 - Biology of Human Behavior

This is an easy class but only because the professor doesn't really care. There is class once a week, a quiz on that class , barely any homework and no final. Seems pretty chill except apparently the professor goes off topic and doesn't teach what is on the syllabus. One Reddit student complained she gave a lecture of the mating behavior of Himalayan monkeys. Um, isn't this supposed to be a human biology class?

Image result for human biology

10. PLPA 200 - Plants, Pathogens, and People

Ever wonder which plants can kill you? What about plant diseases? This course is all about that and even more! The course is designed for non-science and science majors so it must be pretty easy to understand. You get to study plant diseases and their impact on the food supply as well as food production and safety, pesticide use and human health, and the environmental impact of plants.Image result for deathcapThese are 10 classes at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign that you can take to get an easy A. These are by no means the only way to have an easy semester, but these are some tried and true courses from students who took them. You can also look on the university catalog, but it's more work that way. Don't you just want a semester learning about death or growing your own vegetables?


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